September 13, 2020
Series: The Jesus Manifesto
Speaker: Michael S. Carlton
“I’m going to be honest with you, this is probably the part of The Sermon… read more
September 6, 2020
Series: The Jesus Manifesto
Speaker: Michael S. Carlton
What we look at and expose ourselves to matters! How many of us as adults… read more
August 30, 2020
Series: The Jesus Manifesto
Speaker: Michael S. Carlton
The devil loves for you to be controlled by your emotions, not your spirit! When… read more
August 23, 2020
Series: The Jesus Manifesto
Speaker: Tyler Long
“You’re not just the salt of your community or the light of your city! Jesus… read more
August 16, 2020
Series: The Jesus Manifesto
Speaker: Michael S. Carlton
The Beatitudes mean “consummate bliss and blessedness.” Basically, Jesus is saying that people that live… read more
August 10, 2020
Series: The Jesus Manifesto
Speaker: Michael S. Carlton
The Sermon on the Mount is a Manifesto where Jesus is giving us a glimpse… read more
August 5, 2020
Series: Guest Speaker
Speaker: Scott Wilson
Recently I hit a wall…..and no matter what I did…I couldn’t GROW beyond where I… read more
July 15, 2020
Series: Letters to the Church
Speaker: Michael S. Carlton
There is a reason we put those things before God – it’s because we desperately want to be fulfilled and there are areas in our lives that we desire satisfaction, but we are looking in the wrong place for it! Here are the 5 A’s that humanity lives for or craves!
The 5 A’s of Emotional Health: Acceptance, Affection, Approval, Attention, and Appreciation!
July 5, 2020
Series: Letters to the Church
Speaker: Michael S. Carlton
Self control is a battle within and the discipline to move forward! We have this battle between a divided self inside us! Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever felt that battle rising within? It’s important that you first identify that there is a battle going on in our hearts! We know we aren’t perfect, but daily we strive to get rid of the negative things in our life and strive to be who God created us to be! All of this happens because of the death and resurrection of Jesus and that resurrection Spirit that is moving in us!