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Speaker: Michael S. Carlton

  • May 3, 2020

    Series: Bloom

    So many times we think sin is just something immoral we do. Like having an affair, stealing, harming someone. Now, while it is those things, it is so much deeper than that!

  • April 26, 2020

    Series: Bloom

    Some of you base your entire life on how you feel – if it feels good, whether it’s right or wrong, you do it. If it’s too inconvenient you don’t do it. You put yourself first. If it feels like it might be hard you settle instead of stretch yourself to be great!

  • April 26, 2020

    Series: Bloom

    God did not create you to be lonely! God did not create you to be defeated! God did not create you to live in despair! God did not create you to be insignificant! God created us ALL for the community!

  • April 21, 2020

    Series: Easter 2020

    God is trying to speak to your soul and tell you that there is MORE beyond your now! There is HOPE and no matter what you are going through GOD is with you! There is also a community that is FOR you and WITH you!

  • April 5, 2020

    Series: Apostle's Creed

    God doesn’t expect perfection in your life; He just wants progression in your life! Every… read more

  • March 29, 2020

    Series: Apostle's Creed

    We also need to be unified under this understanding that the church is not an organization, it is not a building, it is not a denomination, it is not a brand, it is not the name of your tribal group. The church is the body of believers it’s you and me and when we come together as a community we are the church. It is not built with walls, but souls.

  • March 22, 2020

    Series: Apostle's Creed

    Your life isn’t built upon your talent, your charisma, your connections, or your resources. Your life is built and strengthened by the power and the anointing of God; the spirit that lives within you!

  • February 24, 2020

    Series: Apostle's Creed

    Because Jesus died, He destroyed the power of sin and death and He transfers that authority to YOU! So many times we look at sin, we look at our weaknesses, we look at our doubts, we look at our fears, we look at our failures, and we think they will always define us.

  • February 10, 2020

    Series: Apostle's Creed

    If Jesus’s only objective was to forgive you of your sins so that you can go to heaven, He would not have spent 33 years on this earth! He would have immediately came down, died on the cross, resurrected, and immediately went to heaven!