God has given Bloom a clear vision for our church and the part we play in building the Kingdom of Heaven. As we steer toward the new year, we believe God has equipped, called, and anointed Bloom to focus our efforts in three pivotal areas:
1. Community Serve Days:
Starting this November we will be starting frequent (quarterly) serve days in our community to take the Church outside of our 4 walls and show our neighbors the love of Jesus!
2. Community Organizations & School Partnerships:
Joining hands with local institutions to create a ripple of positive change.
3. Marketplace Discipleship & Leadership Training:
Equipping the organizations in our community with the tools to lead and empower others towards a life with Jesus
4. Evangelism Workshops:
As believers in Jesus, we all have a shared responsibility to know how to share about the love of Christ to others and lead them into a relationship with Him!
5. Partnership with Elevate Branson:
Offering transportation from hotels and extended stays to our Youth on Wednesday nights
1. Marriage Conference:
In March of 2024 we will be hosting our first marriage conference. A resource to strengthen marital bonds and learn best practices to take our marriages to the next level!
2. Building a Robust Marriage Ministry:
From pre-marital leadership to mentorship, to crisis assistance we are building a marriage ministry that can resource for marriages to flourish.
3. Parenting Conference with Pastor Toby Slough and Goby Ministries:
In September we hosted our first parenting conference. We will be hosting ongoing parenting conferences with tools to help join hands with parents and equip them with all they need to raise Godly children in today’s society.
4. GOBYHEALTH Partnerships:
Ongoing resources and training to support our families in mental wellness
1. Bloom Springfield Launch (Fall 2024):
An exciting expansion to spread the love of Christ and make an impact in another community.
2. Bloom Residency (Jan 2024):
For those who feel called to vocational ministry. We have created a residency program to give practical, hands-on training in all areas of ministry.
3. Bloom Leadership Institute (Jan 2024):
For those who want to dive deeper into their theological understanding and leadership
4. Satellite Service Opportunities:
Partnering with organizations across the Ozarks, extending God’s message to places like the Missouri Department of Corrections. We are currently searching for other opportunities!